Value Partners Investments Value Partners Investment Counsel

Terms & Conditions


Information about specific issuers of securities has been made available by Value Partners Investments Inc. for the sole purpose of providing additional background information on the holdings in the Value Partners Pool(s) and is not intended to be investment advice about the merits of investing directly in these issuers. This information is based on information that is publicly available or that has been provided to Value Partners Investments Inc. by the portfolio managers of the Pools.

The complete holdings of a Pool are disclosed in its Statement of Investment Portfolio semi-annually. On a quarterly basis, each Pool discloses its top 25 holdings in its Summary of Investment Portfolio. Both these documents are available on our website. Value Partners Investments Inc. is a registered investment fund manager and has engaged registered portfolio managers to make decisions about the investments made by each Pool – these investment decisions are not made by Value Partners Investments Inc.

The information provided does not constitute individual, legal, investment or tax advice about any of the Pools or the issuers discussed therein. Please consult your own legal, investment and/or tax advisor prior to making a decision to invest in the Pools. Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the fund facts documents and the prospectus of the Pools before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.


Click one of the results below to see more information

Enhanced Reporting:

Investors in VPI Pools receive industry-leading account updates and videos so they understand exactly what they own and why they own it.

Our “What You Own, Why You Own It” educational video series feature specific businesses held in one or more of the VPI Pools. We look at the quality of the business, its industry, its history, its competitive advantages, its operations, and its financial performance. We demonstrate how the business fits into clients’ portfolios and why it truly is: difficult to live without, difficult to replicate, and difficult to compete with.

Watch the "What You Own, Why You Own It" video series by clicking image below.


VPI discloses 100% of portfolio holdings in each of the VPI Pools on a monthly basis on its website.

In addition to the above, VPI dispenses information on portfolio holdings using the following additional means:

  • Portfolio Holdings statements, disclosing 100% portfolio holdings in their respective VPI Pool(s) are mailed to clients on a quarterlybasis;
  • Additions and/or Dispositions to portfolios are reported with quarterly unitholders statements;
  • Buy and Sell notifications are made available to advisors on a monthly basis and unitholders can access those statements by contacting their respective Advisor(s).

Fee Reductions:

Client fees have declined by 36% resulting in annual client savings of approximately $3.9 Million CAD.

This chart demonstrates how over the years the average fee being charged to Investors in Series-A funds have declined by 36%.

As of January 31, 2025

Walking the Talk:

Our company, our staff and our shareholders of Value Partners have over $ 40 million of their own money invested in the VPI Pools alongside our clients.

Collectively, our company, staff and shareholders have over $40 million of their own money invested in the Value Partners Pools alongside yours.

*As of February 19, 2025